A brand includes every element of your company, and photography and video production is no exception. Good photography and video production tells a story about your brand and your work. It represents your brand and compels your customers to want to work with you, it can secure a client, while bad photography and videography sends prospect clients running to your competitors.

Client: Konstruk

Category: Video & Photo Production

Date: January 2022

Konstruk, a Philippine-based e-commerce platform and the first e-hardware ng bayan, launched its website last February 28, 2022 at the Function Room of Garden Island Condoville.

Notable speakers of the event include Mr. Carlo Calimon, Director of Startup Village; Mr. Kim Ritter Angeles, Metrobank Account Officer; and Konstruk’s very own CEO — Mr. Rommel T. Bulalacao.

Project Duration :
6 months
Deliverables :
Photo and Video Production
Results :
Managed photo shoot, created 50 edited photos, 5 short video for ads, 3 main video for posting
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