Knowing what you want to accomplish will help you put all the right details in place. A rally is a great way to kick things off. The candidate, whether that be you or someone you are supporting, can introduce themselves and express their views on key issues. This allows people to get to know the candidate and rally with those who already support them. Plus, it’s a good way to get publicity with local media.

Client: RA Araw ng Pagbabago

Category: Corporate Events Management & Coordination

Date: September 2021

The RA “Araw ng Pagbabago” is a local politician’s Miting De Avance for the 2022 national and local elections. It is the largest event ever produced by Carthal Manila, where they handled 7k+ attendees with services including [but not limited to]: Photography, videography, livestreaming, social media marketing, script-writing, and other logistic operations.

Project Duration :
8 months
Deliverables :
Events Preparation, Events Management, Technical Support, Event Production
Results :
We gathered 5,000 plus attendees for this campaign and were able to produce video highlight, 1 main video, 3 reels, 30 edited photos
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